Psychological testing

Psychological testing is a verified, objective and reliable method that anticipates the most likely behaviour of a person in individual situations. It serves us for a determination of the advantages and disadvantages of candidates for a specific job position as well as for a determination of predispositions for the further development and progress of candidates.

A battery of tests may include:

  • Tests of general cognitive and specific abilities
    They assess the individual’s general or specific potential (numerical, verbal, technical and mechanical reasoning).
    For instance, for a non-demanding workplace a high general intelligence is a disadvantage, but for a very demanding work place it is an advantage.
  • Personality questionnaires
    They indicate the usual style of behaviour of individuals in their interaction with the environment and with other people. By using them we acquire data on the personality structure adequacy with regard to demands of the job position (e.g. affinity toward team work, conflict level of the person, openness for work with clients, proactivity etc.).
  • Team role questionnaire
    Gives information on the characteristic role an employee assumes in the team.
  • Work values questionnaire
    Gives information on the significance a candidate gives to certain aspects of work, what his expectations and preferences are, what he considers important in order for him to be satisfied in work, and sources of his motivation.
  • Emotional intelligence questionnaire
    Gives information on the degree of emotional intelligence of the candidate: understanding of own and the emotions of others, control of own emotions and social consciousness and developing interpersonal relationships.
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