Reward – initiate DNA talent

Effective rewarding of employees to improving and achieving desired results.

Research has shown that a large number of employees feel unappreciated and unacknowledged and feel that the system of rewarding is unfair.

On the other hand, most superiors are aware how much reward and acknowledgment mean to employees.

Why then are there such differences in perception? How to motivate employees to give their maximum engagement? How to set up a reward system that highlights the best? How to set a clear, simple and consistent system that does not lead to a perception of injustice? Which rewards employees appreciate the most? When and how to reward employees?

Artis Rei experience and approach

In our past work we have developed and implemented more than 10 reward systems projects.

Through implementation and communication of different types of criteria and different forms of rewards we achieve a high degree of satisfaction of all parties involved.

We help our clients develop:

  • a clear, simple and consistent system
  • clear assessment criteria
  • a clear procedure of reward calculation
  • a system directed at rewarding the best
  • rising the awareness of managers related to the importance of their role in rewarding processes

Artis Rei in action: find out how Artis Rei has helped its clients to improve rewarding and motivation models

  • Development and implementation of processes of work efficiency rewarding
  • Rewarding and motivation models
  • Comparison of values of work positions and comparison with the market
  • Rewarding managerial positions
Artis Rei ltd. for Human Resource Management
II. gajnički vidikovac 20, 10000 Zagreb
GSM.: +385 91 532 6990
GSM.: +385 99 532 6990 |
Artis Rei d.o.o. © 2013. all rights reserved.
razvoj: Radiona