Turning strategy into reality

When to introduce changes?

We usually introduce new systems and changes when we have already noticed some negative trends. What happens then? Change into a positive trend occurs only after a certain time, which means that we have a follow-up of negative trends and then a positive shift.

When to introduce changes then?

Kada onda uvoditi promjene?

WHILE THE COMPANY IS STILL GROWING, because only then can we avoid the negative trends.

Implementation / communicating strategic guidelines of the company

The strategy remains a "dead letter" until it is communicated to all employees and all until employees start to implement it in their daily work.

Our previous experience has shown that:

  • Having a new strategy is not the same as implementing that strategy.
  • Telling the employees about the new strategy does not guarantee they will understand it.
  • Knowing which actions to take to fulfil the strategy does not mean the employees will work differently.

Artis Rei works with managers and members of their teams through intensive work groups and workshops, until they achieve:

  • clarity and understanding where the company wants to go and how it wishes to get there
  • determination of key challenges and opportunities in the future
  • "translating" the strategy into daily activities
  • clarity of strategic priorities so the employees would know what to focus on

Connecting strategies and performance monitoring in individual workplaces (cascading goals)

Artis Rei ltd. for Human Resource Management
II. gajnički vidikovac 20, 10000 Zagreb
GSM.: +385 91 532 6990
GSM.: +385 99 532 6990 |
Artis Rei d.o.o. © 2013. all rights reserved.
razvoj: Radiona