Sales excellence

Strategy and tactics in sales

This workshop has been developed based on a 7-year experience in field work with hundreds of Croatian sales professionals and has gathered in one place the best and verified knowledge from the sales practise of successful sales professionals.

Development of sales skills

This workshop has been developed based on a 7-year experience in field work with hundreds of Croatian sales professionals and has gathered in one place the best and verified knowledge from the sales practise of successful sales professionals.

Resolving complaints

Resolving complaints is equally important in keeping a client as well as sales in accordance to his needs.
Based on a 10-year experience in work with demanding clients and solving their complaints, emerged a workshop based exclusively on empirical knowledge and a multitude of practical examples from experiences of trainers.

Successful post-sales

What are the differences between sales and post-sales? What gives results in the long-term? Is there a difference between clients that enter the sales and post-sales procedure? On what is trust in post-sales based?

These are some of the questions you will get answers to in this workshop.

Artis Rei ltd. for Human Resource Management
II. gajnički vidikovac 20, 10000 Zagreb
GSM.: +385 91 532 6990
GSM.: +385 99 532 6990 |
Artis Rei d.o.o. © 2013. all rights reserved.
razvoj: Radiona